PSDA & Water Rescue headquarters USA has appointed Mr. Carlos E. Lander M. as their representative for Central and South America. Carlos has been a level IV PSDA & Water Rescue Instructor since 2007. All PSDA & Water Rescue Training Programs will be handled throughout Central and South America will be conducted by Carlos who is centrally located in Caracas Venezuela. All levels of Public Safety Diving and Water Rescue will be available from entry level public safety diver, swift-water rescue and rescue swimmer© through Instructor level. Carlos is certified as a recreational, Technical, Mixed Gas and Public Safety Diving & Water Rescue Instructor. Interested Police, Fire, Rescue and Military Departments and individuals may contact Carlos at:
Gracias a todos los que hicieron esto posible
Etiquetas: América, Avanzado, Buceo, Latino, SCUBA, capacitación, entrenamiento, psd
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